Java: Full-stack Test Automation with Java, Selenium WebDriver, RESTful API, GraphQL, and databases: Comprehensive Offline Training Course

Course Overview: This course will teach you how to test web applications using the most widespread open-source tool: Selenium WebDriver in Java, Version Control in Git, and creating pipelines in GitLab CI/CD

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Course Description

This course covers four key areas: detailed core Java programming from beginner to advanced level, selenium web driver for UI testing, pipeline set-up and test execution, REST API; and Database test automation. Initialy, there is a major emphasis on programming in Core Java. Students are expected to be grounded in Core Java programming, but there is no need for prior knowledge of programming as you will start from rudimentary to advanced programming. Selenium WebDriver is a web-based automation testing tool that automates anything and everything available on a web page. Our lecture series will provide you with full hands-on experience on how you can automate web-based applications using Java, the Selenium WebDriver and its related tools and libraries. We’ll also implement various frameworks such as the Page Object Model, Page Factory, Cucumber BDD, Data-Driven, Hybrid. Special attention will be focused on testing in virtual environments like Docker and remote agents like BrowserStack, among  others. The API testing section will focus on teaching you how to write API automation tests using Java and the RESTAssured framework. Lastly, it will climax with SQL/NoSQL Database testing, where we will devote time to talking all things JDBC, MongoClient, and Java to process SQL queries that connect, retrieve, and store data on databases.

Fee Breakdown

💰 Total Payment £676.34

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Key Tech Tags

Java WebDriver Browserstack GitOps Pipeline Containerisation PageObjects BDD Docker Shell

Course Features

Seats Available:Unlimited
Instructed In:English
Installment Allowed:No
Instructor:Edwin Nwofor
Delivery Mode:Offline
Next Starting:Student Discretion
Duration:Est. 6 months
Institution:CEN IDEA LTD

Course Prerequisite(s)

No prior coding experience required to take this course

Course covers in depth core Java concepts with plenty of hands on coding exercises

Course cover Selenium WebDriver from basic to advanced levels

Basic installations and setup required for Selenium WebDriver hands-on exercises is covered in depth

Course covers basic and advance element locating strategies

Covers in-depth tutorial on XPath and CSS Selectors

Course teaches how to create your own Test Automation Framework From Scratch

Automation of Web-Tables, Date-Pickers and other complex UI elements is taught in detail

Covers Git installation, configuration and usage information

Basic understanding of Windows or Linux Operating System

Good to have understanding of Manual Testing, Processes, Functional & Regression Testing

Should be ready to invest atleast 30mins a day for practice and concept implementation

Course Takeaways

  • Core Java Programming

  • Hands-on coding and write a wide variety of UI tests using Selenium WebDriver.

  • Selenium WebDriver Programing from Beginner to Advance

  • Creating Automation Framework from Scratch using Page Object Model and Page Factory

  • Git Version Control System

  • Docker and Pipeline setup for testing

  • Skills and Knowledge necessary to use Selenium for any of your web applications.

Course Syllabus

  1. Java Installation & Configuration
  1. IDE Installation & Configuration
  1. First Taste of Java Programming
  1. Primitive Data Types in Java
  1. Arithmetic Operators in Java
  1. Logical and Bitwise Operators in Java
  1. Relational Operators in Java
  1. Conditional Statements - IF Condition
  1. Conditional Statements - Nested IF Condition
  1. Loops - FOR Loop
  1. Loops - Nested FOR
  1. Loops - WHILE and DO WHILE
  1. BREAK and CONTINUE in Loops
  1. Introduction to Classes, Methods, Properties & Objects
  1. Methods & kinds like Constructors, Getters & Setters, Ordinary Methods
  1. Variables & Kinds like Instance, Static, Local & Constants variables
  1. Introduction to Arrays
  1. Array Object
  1. Enhanced FOR Loop for Array Iteration
  1. 2D Array
  1. Processing of 2D Array
  1. Introduction to Array List
  1. Introduction to Linked List
  1. ArrayList vs LinkedList
  1. List Iterator
  1. Introduction to Hash SET
  1. Introduction to Linked Hash SET
  1. Iterating on SET
  1. Introduction to Hash MAP
  1. Iterating on Hash MAP
  1. Introduction to Exception
  1. Error vs Exception
  1. Checked and Unchecked Exception
  1. Try Catch Blocked Exception
  1. Finally Block on Exception
  1. Encapsulation
  1. Inheritance
  1. Polymorphism - Overloading and Overriding
  1. Abstract
  1. Interface
  1. Super Keyword
  1. Final Keyword
  1. Introduction to Maven
  1. Configure Selenium WebDriver with Maven
  1. Chrome & Firefox Driver Setup
  1. Chrome & Firefox Capabilities like Headless, etc.
  1. Launching Application using Selenium WebDriver
  1. Automating Browser Navigation (Back, Forward, Refresh, Delete Cookies, Navigate To)
  1. Get Page Basic Details (URL, Title)
  1. Introduction to HTML
  1. Inspecting WebElements
  1. Using Find Elements by ID
  1. Using Find Elements by Name
  1. Using Find Elements by Css Selectors
  1. Using Find Elements by Link
  1. Using Find Elements by LinkText
  1. Using Find Elements by XPath
  1. Basic Setup of JUnit Tests
  1. Basic Usage of JUnit Attributes like Hooks and Annotations
  1. Assertions with JUnit
  1. Advance Usages espcecailly with JUnit4 and JUnit5
  1. Cross reference with TestNG Library
  1. How to get data from the web pages and assert them using JUnit
  1. How to Verify Element Visible, Enabled, Exists & Selected
  1. Nested WebElements - Element in Another WebElement
  1. How to collect WebElements in Selenium WebDriver
  1. Handling WebElements Collection in Selenium WebDriver
  1. Nested WebElements - Element in Another WebElement
  1. Working with Select-Boxes
  1. Working with MultiSelect-Boxes
  1. Working with Date-Pickers
  1. Working with WebTables
  1. Handling the Objects Within WebTable Cells
  1. Handling Browser Popup
  1. Working with Multiple Browser Windows
  1. Close All Browser Popup Windows
  1. Close vs Quit
  1. Identifying iFrames on the Web pages
  1. Invoking in Selenium WebDriver
  1. JavaScript Basic Alert Box
  1. JavaScript Confirmation Box
  1. JavaScript Prompt Box
  1. Mouse Hover
  1. Right Click
  1. Drag and Drop
  1. Resize UI Elements
  1. Slider
  1. Multi-Key Operations
  1. Test Synchronization
  1. Implicit Wait
  1. Explicit Wait
  1. Page Object Model
  1. Creating Base Class
  1. Creating Page Library
  1. Page Factory
  1. Elements Collection (List) in Page Factory
  1. Initializing Page Factory Elements
  1. Introduction to BDD
  1. Given When Then
  1. BDD Setup with Cucumber, Java & Maven
  1. Step Definition in BDD
  1. Runner Class in BDD
  1. Page Object Model
  1. Creating Base Class
  1. Creating Page Library
  1. Page Factory
  1. Elements Collection (List) in Page Factory
  1. Initializing Page Factory Elements
  1. Dependency Injection using Pico Container OR Spring
  1. Introduction to Git technology
  1. Installation, Setup and Configuration of Git
  1. Git Commands and Workflows
  1. Git Remotes and Code Management
  1. Introduction to Remote Execution
  1. Setup and Configuration of Tools like Browserstack OR SauceLabs
  1. Running tests on remote agents and collecting results
  1. Introduction to Pipeline eg. Jenkins OR GitLab Pipeline
  1. Setup of desired pipeline
  1. Job Setup and Configurations
  1. Running of Jobs and collections of results
  1. Introduction to REST APIs and Services like GraphQL
  1. Setup of tools and libraries needed
  1. Writing the API automation tests with JUnit
  1. Writing the API automation tests with Cucumber Framework
  1. Writing tests for GET, POST, PUT & DELETE endpoints
  1. Running of tests and collections of results
  1. Introduction to Database Testing and Automation
  1. Setup of tools and libraries needed
  1. Writing the Database automation tests with JUnit
  1. Writing the Database automation tests with Cucumber Framework
  1. Running of tests and collections of results

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